Are You Sick Of Living With Autoimmune Symptoms Such As Digestive Issues, Low Energy, Anxiety, Or Joint Pain?

In Just 4 Months Feel More Confident, Energetic, And Have Less Pain, All With 1:1 Guidance Every Step of Your Journey

It’s Time To Put YOU First And Feel Empowered And Invigorated So You Can Crush Your Health Goals And Live The Life You Want!


I'm SO ready!

If you’ve ever felt sad or anxious because of your autoimmune diagnosis, or overwhelmed at where your autoimmune condition will take you, you’re not alone.

Every week I work with women, just like you, who are going through the exact same problems:

  • You dread your daily responsibilities, such as going to work, caring for your family, spending time with friends, all because it seems so overwhelming
  • You are afraid to try new things or take on new opportunities due to unending anxiety
  • You snap at your partner, kids, and friends, sometimes for no reason at all
  • You can’t eat the food you love without experiencing a negative reaction
  • You need an afternoon coffee run just to get through the rest of your day
  • You are constantly worried what will happen if you run out of medication options for your autoimmune disease

If you can relate to any of the above, what I’m about to share on this page can help you forego that negative mindset, improve your overall health, and experience improved energy and confidence. You CAN live with an autoimmune diagnosis, without SUFFERING from its symptoms.

It doesn't involve super-strict diet plans, expensive, unnecessary testing, or choking down costly supplements.

As long as you have the passion to make a lasting change in your life, I want to help you feel empowered to put yourself first and gain the confidence and health you’ve always wanted.

You're body is NOT attacking itself, you are NOT broken, you deserve to HEAL...

But before I get into that, allow me to introduce myself…


Hi, I’m Erica

I’m a health and wellness coach who specializes in helping stressed out, busy women overcome the symptoms of their autoimmune disease- symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, digestive issues and joint pain.

I’ve spent 16 years in the hospital system as a Charge Nurse on Medical-Surgical and Orthopedic and Spine units, in which I have seen the effects of chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease. I’ve taken care of thousands of patients just like you: stressed out, sad, anxious, and feeling like they are never going to get better. I’ve also educated them, teaching about the benefits of exercise, healthy eating, hydration, etc, I love teaching and empowering others and I can’t wait to do the same with you!

I myself suffered from health issues of a similar nature: an autoimmune disease, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, fatigue, food sensitivities, migraines, exercise intolerance, just to name a few.  I have BEEN where you ARE! Us autoimmune warriors have to stick together!

I also spent nearly a decade learning about the effects of diet on our health, plus over two years being treated by Functional Medicine doctors, a Nutritionist, and most importantly, a health coach.  This further expanded my knowledge and desire to help others just like YOU overcome the symptoms I had also suffered from. I also learned what NOT to do, like overly restrictive diets, expensive unnecessary testing and tons of supplements, which I promise, you will not experience in my program.


My Journey Into Becoming A Health And Wellness Coach Started Back In 2014... 

It was a year after having my second child.

I was experiencing diarrhea, food sensitivities, heavy periods, low energy, and anxiety. ER visits for migraines and a week-long hospital stay away from my young kids due to a gut infection had me afraid to go back into the workforce.

Testing showed my autoimmune disease was in remission so I was only given a prescription for my symptoms.

I was miserable! Like you, I thought I just had to “live with it”.  I had felt like that for so long, it seemed normal. 

You likely know the feeling, in and out of visits with my doctors, only spending 15-20 minutes with me and no one EVER mentioning that what I was eating or my poor stress management skills could be the cause.

But One Day, Something Amazing Happened….

I discovered the Whole30 program, an elimination diet and reintroduction process in which you eliminate common food triggers for 30 days, then reintroduce to see how they make you feel.

I couldn’t believe it! I felt fantastic! I could do workouts I never could handle before, I was getting up without hitting snooze, my anxiety disappeared and my diarrhea was gone.

This and more is what I want for YOU…and it IS possible!


From This Moment On, My Life Changed Forever 

But it wasn’t easy to sustain.

You see, I hadn’t yet learned the importance of mindset and stress management, so I spent years yo-yo dieting…eating healthy, then falling off the wagon, and so on and so on. 

Maybe you can relate…life is busy, isn’t it?

It’s hard to put ourselves first and stick with something with all of the craziness around us!

It wasn’t till I spent time with my health coach and really worked on stress management and mindset that I began to truly heal.

I was able to get rid of food intolerances that I thought I would have forever. I gained confidence and courage to explore opportunities I never would have dreamed of…and I was finally ready to help other women just like you to end their digestive woes, establish healthy, sustainable habits, and gain the confidence to live a life filled with happiness and abundance.

Then the true test came...a flare of my autoimmune disease after a family tragedy.

Putting everything I had learned together, I was able to pull myself out of the flare, and without additional medication.


This Is Why I’m Writing To You Today

I became a nurse because of the time I spent in the hospital as a teenager, fighting an autoimmune disease yet experiencing the care and compassion of the nurses that took care of me. 

I became a health coach because of the life-changing things I learned from MY health coach, along with the functional medicine model I have come to love.

YOU can have this experience too. 

YOU can live a life without pain, ditch the digestive woes and find a way out from the unending anxiety. 

YOU can put yourself first, and know that it will make you a better partner, friend, parent, fur-baby mom, co-worker, etc!

My amazing nurse practitioner once told me: "This is the year you get your power back!" And it always stuck with me...

Let this be the year you get YOUR power back!

You are not alone, it doesn’t have to be this way forever… and I am here every step of the way.

Are you ready to say goodbye to feeling defined by your autoimmune disease?

Then let’s do this. 

No more fad diets, endless food restrictions and feeling like you’re never going to have the energy to enjoy your life.

No more being told your body is "attacking itself". Your body is telling you something is wrong, and you deserve someone who will listen.

The 1:1 Health and Wellness Program is a four month program designed to improve your autoimmune symptoms such as digestive issues, fatigue, anxiety, and pain, and to give you a life full of confidence and abundant energy.

By the end of the four months, you’ll be:

  • Experiencing improved energy, mood, sleep and digestion
  • Living life with a better understanding of how mindset, diet, gut health and stress play a role in your autoimmune condition
  • Putting yourself first, knowing that it is improving your other relationships to do so
  • Enjoying your food freedom, knowing what foods work best for you and what foods contribute to your symptoms
  • Amazing everyone with your new-found confidence and love of yourself
  • Tackling your day-to-day tasks with less stress and improved focus
  • Taking your power back!

 In other words - you’ll be feeling empowered and motivated to sustain your new habits and enjoy your new life!



Weekly Coaching Calls

You will receive comprehensive support with three weekly visits (first two months), then bi-weekly (last two months) visits. In these visits I will:

  • listen to your top symptoms and educate you on what lifestyle changes will help improve them
  • set attainable goals to implement said changes in a way that works best for you and your busy lifestyle
  • monitor your progress and discuss what is working well and what areas you would like additional support

Weekly Check-Ins and Daily Chat Support

  • Messaging support: I am here to support you even outside of the visits, whether you’re having a bad day or just needing a motivational boost
  • Weekly check-in: Your time is important to me and I want to hear what is going well and what isn’t.  Through this weekly check-in form, we can get those questions out of the way early so the appointment time can be spent finding solutions to keep you moving forward
  • Motivational messages and education: I am here to cheer you on! I want you to know that you are doing great, and keep empowering you to succeed

Supporting Materials

You will receive all of the education you need to live a healthier lifestyle and banish those irritating gut issues, aggravating energy slumps, and annoying anxious thoughts.

The goal of education is to give you the tools needed to address your symptoms. You will learn:

  • Proper sleep hygiene so you can crush your to-do list and take on whatever new projects you desire!
  • The optimal nutrition needed to fuel your body and keep energy levels high!
  • How stress management and mindset can improve digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, food sensitivities, and more
  • The role environmental toxins play in our health, and simple ways to reduce your toxic burden so you can quell inflammation!

Core Pillars

Healthy Eating

Reducing inflammation is the key to relieving symptoms, including digestive issues, poor energy, and feelings of being overwhelmed or anxious.  One of the best ways to reduce inflammation is through eating nutritious, whole foods. This can be accomplished without super restrictive diets!






Mindset/Stress Reduction

Not only do these elements reduce inflammation as well, they are absolutely crucial to you sticking with your new habits. Not to mention, the gut-brain connection is real and powerful, and addressing these elements is a sure way to see those digestive issues and food sensitivities improve. Can you imagine eating the healthy foods you love and enjoying new-found energy, without having to run to the nearest bathroom??? Sounds great, right?!

Gut Health

Speaking of the gut, it controls so many systems in the body! If we improve gut health, we can improve numerous conditions such as anxiety, depression, diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, and fatigue, just to name a few! Imagine getting back to doing the things you love, being able to set boundaries around the things you don’t, and having the confidence to take on whatever you want in life! 




Your body cannot function properly without good quality sleep.  Improving sleep hygiene will lead to less stress, better mood, and improved energy.









Oftentimes people get overwhelmed thinking about exercise, especially when they don’t feel energized and strong.  Starting slow is key, and making sure you just don’t do nothing! I will motivate you to get movement in ways that don’t cause extra stress to your body!




How To Get Started With My 1:1 Health And Wellness Program

Ready to finally tackle your anxiety, gut issues and fatigue and live a life without the fear of your health dragging you down?

Simply click the button below to be taken to my application page. 

I'll need a few details from you to help me start building out your history and ensure you're a perfect fit for this program. 

You'll then be asked to book a free 15-minute discovery call to dig deeper into your symptoms. 

I can't wait to get to know you more!



Here’s Everything You Get When You Join My Signature 1:1 Program

  • Four month comprehensive program
  • Ten visits with me-all virtual
  • 1:1 appointments
  • Optional 2 month extension if you would like additional support
  • Direct messaging between appointments
  • Weekly check-in forms 
  • Weekly education and motivational messages
  • No supplements and no testing-saving you money and stress!

See you inside!