Welcome to

The Hart of Wellness


Empowering women living with autoimmune disease to take control of their health!

You don't have to live with autoimmune disease symptoms-you CAN heal!

You're in the right place, I'm so glad you are here!

Hello! I'm Erica...

I am a nurse turned health and wellness coach specializing in helping autoimmune women through nutrition and mindset. Plus, I am an autoimmune gal too! And I want to help you feel your best!
If you are:
  • avoiding social events because you are feeling run-down, burnt out, stressed, and irritable
  • having digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, or constipation that are affecting your day-to-day life and you aren’t sure what to do about them
  • wanting more energy and stamina to keep up with your work and family life  
  • tired of being told your symptoms are "part of it", whether you are in a "flare" or not
  • ready to adopt a healthier lifestyle but aren’t sure where to start...

 ...then click below to find out more about how I can empower you to change your life by focusing on healthy eating, mindset, and stress management.  Don’t wait…the time is now!





1:1 Health & Wellness Coaching

Through a series of monthly online visits, you’ll receive 1:1 education on a variety of topics to improve wellness: The components of a healthy diet, how to improve your gut health, stress management tips, sleep etiquette, mindset, and more. You will learn exactly what you need to do in order to take back your health and vitality and end those annoying digestive symptoms, anxious feelings, and energy crashes!

Who I help...


To all of the busy, stressed, overwhelmed women living with autoimmune disease who are tired of missing out on life due to anxiety, gut issues, poor sleep and fatigue:


By focusing on my core pillars of healthy eating, sleep, gut health, movement, and stress management, I can help you improve your symptoms and get back to doing the things you love…without expensive testing or tons of supplements.

Hey there lady, is this you?

  • Stressed out and burnt out, even with things that should be happy or fun?
  • Feeling overwhelmed, whether you have a lot or a little going on?
  • Suffering from digestive symptoms such as irritable bowel, food intolerances, diarrhea, or constipation that leave you missing out on life?
  • You're seeing a functional medicine provider and need support while implementing their plan
  • You've been told you are having a flare of your autoimmune disease and these symptoms are "normal"
  • You feel your symptoms are dismissed because you've been told you AREN'T having a flare
  • You want to eat better and change your habits but you have no idea where to start…

 You’re in luck!  


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I can help you feel better…because I have been there!

Maybe you have some idea of what you need to do, but you just can’t stick with it. 

This was me. 

Maybe you have NO idea what to do, but you know you need to do something- this was also me! 

Maybe you’ve been to the doctor and all they want to do is prescribe another pill or tell you your tests were “normal”.

Maybe they even told you it's all in your head. 


Can you see the pattern here?  I can help you because I’ve been where you are. 

And I have made it through the other side. 

And you know who helped get me there? My health coach! 

I couldn’t have done it without her support, guidance, and listening ear. 

Knowing she was in my corner made the difference in me sticking with my new habits and CHANGING MY LIFE!  I am here for you too! So what are you waiting for???


I’m a nurse in traditional healthcare that got fed up with the current model and fell in love with functional medicine.  My compassion to help others combined with my own personal journey with autoimmune disease is what led me to health and wellness coaching.  Want to learn a little more about my story and how it's led me to helping people just like you? Click here!



Click here to check out some of my favorite health and wellness items!



 With my signature program, you’ll receive a comprehensive 1:1 education program designed to empower YOU.  This is your journey, not mine.  I’m just your super-knowledgeable wingwoman! ;) Let's kick those anxious thoughts, annoying digestive issues, and bouts of low energy to the curb!  Best of all, it's all virtual, so you can do it from wherever is convenient for you!  Click below for more information!


"You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”


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C.S. Lewis


Here to improve your gut health and ditch your anxiety and nagging digestive symptoms? Grab this PDF as a first step!

Get My FREE PDF Guide Every Busy, Stressed-Out Woman NEEDS! 

With a week's worth of gut-healthy, anti-inflammatory recipes + shopping list, you'll be ready to jump-start your healthy lifestyle with absolutely NO planning required! And as a BONUS, you'll get my FREE Label-Reading 101 Guide! Click the link to get it now!

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